Our purpose and goal is to unite one hundred men (young/old) together for fellowship/training our young men to help perform the work of the church and to support the Pastor. We also sing praises to the Lord as the Men's Chorus.
A Deacon is defined as one of the laymen elected by a church with congregational polity to serve in worship, in pastoral care, and on administrative committees, from Greek (diakonos) literally servant. We prepare and serve communion, collect, and count offerings, pray, and visit the sick, sweep, mop, shovel snow, wash dishes, serve food, and perform any other tasks where our service is needed.
The women who serve as Deaconess and Mothers of the Washington Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church must consecrate themselves to being fully committed and spiritually inspired to their roles. Both positions are set apart in the Church as sacred entities to serve in the Deaconess Ministry for the service and the good of the Church, to be a support spiritually with strength and guidance for the functioning of the Church. They must be Spiritually led and Prayerfully fed.
Responsible for general financial plans and recommendations concerning fiscal matters, plans and oversees annual church budget, monitors financial operations and policies.
We greet members, friends and guests entering our church on Sunday mornings and special occasions. We have hugs, smiles, handshakes, and compliments. If you need directions to the sanctuary, elevator, or restrooms please do not hesitate to ask. Our Goal: "To Make Your Worship Experience One To Remember".
To promote prayer among all people, churches and organizations through the Holy Spirit, while encouraging individuals to pray without ceasing.
The Media Ministry is responsible for videoing, recording, and editing Sunday morning services for a historical file of our sermons for broadcasting via the media outlets. We also provide copies of the services to the membership at cost upon request.
The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, leads the congregation in worship and provides an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and become an integral part of the worship. The Music Ministry divisions are Sanctuary Choir, Omega Choir, Men's Chorus & Children's Choir.
The Transportation Ministry is to provide transportation for members to worship services and for the use of church sponsored events, i.e., visits to events at other churches or venues as appropriate, and can be utilized by other ministries within the church upon request within a reasonable amount of time, normally within two weeks of the event.
Trustees are entrusted with the management of the church property, finances, and business affairs of the church. We are stewards of all that God has given us. We are responsible for the overall maintenance and upkeep of the church, legal matters and any services that are needed or required for the function and operation of the church.
The purpose of the Usher Board shall be to foster the spirit of Christ through rendering the service of ushering at all regular services of worship of the church and at all special services when requested by the pastor and the church. Health Unit members work in conjunction with the Usher Board providing assistance, aid and comfort in stress or medically related events that may occur during the worship service.
Women’s Ministry centers on meeting the spiritual needs of Christian women and helping them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. The ministry exists to serve women and to teach women how to minister to others. Some of their tasks include bible studies, retreats, service projects or gathering events.
The task of the W.M.U. is to teach and carry out missions, to engage in mission-in-action, support world missions through praying, giving, providing and interpreting information regarding the work of the church. W.M.U has various sections: Mamie Nance Circle, John E. Nance Circle, Regina Nance Circle, Stella B. Thompson Circle and Willing workers.